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Antenna Field Day

Thank you to all who attended the field day on the 4th, was much appreciated and also a big thanks to Brandon’s (2E0HWJ) sister & family for allowing us to use the very nicely placed field! It did get a touch chilly but the sun was in and out.

Taking place was a complete usage of the radio spectrum, from 80m to 70cm.

Brandon – 2E0HWJ, Jeff – G4ELZ, Jeff – M0WSZ, Lin – M0TCF, John – 2E0SPS, Dave – G6YJO, Les – G0NUZ, Mike – 2E1MYK and John – G0CDB attended.

Quite a few contact made to other countries and a few local ones too! G4ELZ was clicking away on CW, M0WSZ on his handheld taking part in the 2m simplex net making back to the net controller G4VUD in Newton Abbot whist end-stopping my meter in the field & 2E1MYK communicating through the Weymouth 70cm repeater to the SWC DMR network with a QSO from the Isles of Scilly via the repeater at Poldhu Cove.

M0WSZ on the 2m Simplex net
G4ELZ Morsing away
48metres with of copper wire pulling over the mast quite nicely.
Looks like M0TCF finally contacted the Cadbury’s Smash Martians!
ATAS on the extended mount