
TARS Training Manager, Andrew, G8UUG


TARS is fully accredited to offer training and assistance to all prospective radio amateurs wishing to gain UK licenses. There are currently three levels of license available in the UK.

Prospective Candidates:

The Foundation, Intermediate, Full licenses and a DtF (Direct to Full) they are based on a candidate’s theoretical knowledge of the relevant subject matter without the need for candidates to undertake formal practical assessments.

The direct to full was brought in, as Broadcast Radios and TV engineers working in the industry, with University degrees, or in the armed forces from a technical RF background would not have to go through Foundation and Intermediate stages.

It’s imperative that you come along to a TARS meeting and meet the training team, we will be able to give you specific advice etc. once we have some of your background to work with. Candidates wishing to start a Foundation, Intermediate, or DtF License should acquire the relevant handbook from the RSGB etc. and become very familiar with its content. Although you may be a professional engineer, you will still need, To learn the HAM radio practices and the way of operating.

TARS does not accept external candidates for exams; the Club Committee and Training Team do not feel it is fair to allow those who have not paid course fees that contributed to course and room hire etc. to take advantage of Club organised facilities and staff to participate in exams. You are most welcome to join the club, and partake in the training but as it incurs extra expense for training room hire, you will be asked to pay a proportional amount, if you are up to speed then your training will be brief. You will need a laptop with an email account and a scientific calculator such as the Casio fx 991MS.

For further information, please drop in on any of the Friday evening meets, or click: Training Team to access the query form, please put training as the subject.