Useful Links

the links are provided for useful things, TARS are not responsible if any link does not work and has not been brought to our attention.

Link/URLSite Description Amateur Radio Community – A site from the basics to the full, offering training and support in an online world.
RSGB EMF VideoRSGB video regarding the new EMF regulations.
TARS YouTube ChannelCatch up with the Friday Meetings
RSGB EMF CalculatorEnsure you comply with the new licence regulations. Click on RSGB/Ofcom Calculator link to download the Calculator
Ofcom EMF Calculator Web PageOfcom EMF Calculator Web Page
JTAlertAudio and Visual alerts for WSJT-X & JT65-HF
GB7TQ70cm C4FM System Fusion Repeater co-sited with GB3TR
TX FactorTX Factor is a series of high definition TV shows covering all aspects of the hobby of amateur radio – a professionally produced programme, now in its second year, presented by radio amateurs for radio amateurs.eather Forecast for Today and Tomorrow
The Space Weather WomanDr.Tamitha Skov predicts space weather (sunspots & flares etc) that can affect Amateur Radio and propogation in general
METCHECKWeather Forecast for Today and Tomorrow
Buckland Barton WeatherOnline weather station in Newton Abbot (2E1MYK)
Paignton WeatherOn line weather station in Paignton (G6UIM)
TARS Contest Log CheckerRobot to create your annual Club Contest Logs
MorsemadA Club Members website dedicated to CW and Mores Keys old and new
IRLPInternet Radio Linking Project.
Other ClubsLinks have been removed from this site as it is almost impossible to keep them updated. This link will now take you to the Club’s page of the RSGB website.
ETCCThe UK Repeater pages on the RSGB website.
BARTGBritish Amateur Radio Teledata Group
GQRP ClubDevoted to all modes of low power communication
BATCBritish Amateur Television Group
RSGBRadio Society of Great Britain
WABThe Worked All Britain Awards Group
WACRALWorld Association of Christian Radio Amateurs and Listeners
Black SheepBlack Sheep VHF Contest and DX Group Facebook Page
QRZ.COMWorlwide Callsign Database
ISWLInternational Short Wave League
EQSLElectronic QSL Centre – Send and Receive your ‘e’ Cards here
QSL.NETAmateur Website Hosting
OFCOMOnline Licence Application, Validation and ammendment