Field Trip Sunday the 4th of August 2024
There are several ways of getting to the venue, please remember about the closed main road in Newton Abbot.
Sunday 4th August, 10:30 start or whenever you can get there! Pack up about 17:00
The amenities will be a outhouse dunny in the yard of the farm owners, so please try not to get caught short whilst making your way to the toilets.

Coppa-Dolla Farm
Nr. Denbury
W3W: ///inefficient.screeches.madder

The farm is located approx. 4 miles from Newton-Abbot, due to road works in the area it may or may not be possible to approach from the Wolborough street area, however some of you may be better to approach from the Denbury junction on the A38 south just before Ashburton (please bear in mind this is a VERY-SHORT exit slip road).
If the weather is too damp to park on the field labelled Parking, Brandon, 2E0HWJ, will be there to guide folk to an alternative parking spot.
Bring along any radio gear you would like to experiment with. As you can see from the screen grab above there is a fair bit of room.
You are welcome to bring a cooking appliance, as long as it is off the floor!