If you are attending or are planning to visit the SES running over next weekend at Slapton Sands you need to know the following information:
Criteria for the Special Event station at Torcross are as follow:-
To all who are taking part please realise I have twisted a few arms in order to allow us to do this so please do not abuse it
As you can gather, Peter (G4VTO) has gone to some considerable lengths to get us permission to be on this particular site. So make sure you abide by the rules.
If are required to move etc then we will have to comply.
Whilst we do plan to have VHF running, a test during the recce showed that access to GB3TR isn’t feasible with a hand held radio, so don’t rely on it to check in with the SES operators.
If you have any queries please email in asap.
73 Lin.
Taking place at Slapton Sands. A weekend of QSO’s as for and wide as our radios will go to celebrate the 80th anniversary of D Day.
More details to follow!